Code of Conduct

An ethical approach to the care of individuals with special needs.


The Code of Conduct is a framework for certain employees to help people with special needs “live self-directed, meaningful lives in their communities, free from abuse and neglect, and protected from harm.”  

Employees who have or will have regular and direct contact with individuals receiving services or support from facilities or providers under Justice Center jurisdiction are considered Mandated Reporters and must sign that they have read and understand the Code of Conduct.

Please be advised that the Protection of People with Special Needs Act (Chapter 501 of the Laws of 2012) requires that the Code of Conduct be signed upon hiring and on an annual basis. 


The Justice Center provides two free, online trainings about the Code of Conduct. Live train-the-trainer courses are offered for providers throughout the year. You can find dates and information to register for upcoming training sessions on the Justice Center's training page

Additionally, there is an interactive training for mandated reporters who must sign the Code of Conduct that asks the participant to apply the Code to real-life scenarios. This training is meant to enhance a mandated employee's understanding of the Code of Conduct. This is not a mandatory training, but is offered as a resource for staff and provider agencies.

Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form

As provided by law, rule, or regulation, only custodians who have or will have regular and direct contact with vulnerable persons receiving services or support from facilities or providers covered by the Justice Center Act must sign that they have read and understand the Code of Conduct.


Code of Conduct Awards

2024 Call for Nominations  - Now CLOSED

The nomination period for the 2024 Justice Center Code of Conduct Awards is closed. 

The Code of Conduct for Custodians of People with Special Needs provides a framework for assisting people with special needs “live self-directed, meaningful lives in their communities, free from abuse and neglect, and protected from harm.” The purpose of this award is to recognize those staff members who demonstrate a strong commitment to the provisions of the Code of Conduct.

Who can be nominated?

Anyone who signs the Code of Conduct is eligible. People who sign the Code of Conduct are individuals who are employed by, or volunteer at, state operated, licensed or certified facilities or agencies under the Justice Center’s jurisdiction. Consultants, volunteers or contractors of organizations or companies that contract with facilities and agencies, under the Justice Center’s jurisdiction, sign the Code of Conduct if they have regular and substantial contact with people receiving services.

Who can submit a nomination?

Anyone. Self-nominations are also welcome.

How will award winners be selected?

Members of the Justice Center’s Advisory Council will review nominations and select award winners who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Code of Conduct throughout the year. The criteria used in the award process come directly from the ten provisions outlined in the Code of Conduct. Each nominee must have clear examples of the provisions to be considered for this award.

What is the deadline for submitting a nomination?

The deadline for submission is Monday, July 1, 2024.

NEW THIS YEAR! How will the winners be announced?

Everyone who is nominated will receive some form of recognition. Award winners will be announced throughout the year on the Justice Center website and social media. Agency leadership will present the award to the winners in person at their place of employment.

Questions about the awards should be directed to [email protected].