These pages contain information about procurement and funding opportunities provided by the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs. All procurements and funding decisions are made in accordance with applicable State Finance Law and/or Federal Regulations. Bids are requested as needed to address programmatic and operational needs of the Justice Center.
Current Opportunities
- Check back for future opportunities
Single Source Contracts
Pursuant to New York State Finance Law Section 163(10)(b), the Justice Center posts summaries of single source procurement contracts. A list of current single source procurement contracts falling under New York State Finance Law Section 163(10)(b) will be posted as available.
New York State Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program
In accordance with 5 CRR-NY 142.5, the Justice Center posts MWBE Utilization Plans upon execution of all contracts.
New York State Certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOB)
Pursuant to Article 17-B of the Executive Law, the SDVOB program is a state regulated program that allows eligible Veteran business owners to become certified as SDVOBs in order to increase participation in New York State's contracting opportunities.