Staff Exclusion List (SEL)

To protect people receiving services and the workforce, providers are banned from hiring individuals on the SEL.


The Staff Exclusion List (SEL) contains names of those who have committed serious or repeated acts of abuse or neglect against people with special needs in programs under the Justice Center's jurisdiction. These individuals are barred from working in positions requiring regular and substantial contact with people receiving services.

Providers must make a request to the Justice Center to conduct an SEL check before hiring or permitting volunteers to have regular and substantial contact with individuals receiving services. The following agencies and entities are required to check the SEL when considering an applicant for employment, volunteering, licensure, certification or approval:

  • Facilities and provider agencies, as defined in the NYS Social Services Law (SSL)
  • Providers of service to persons in programs licensed, certified or funded by any State Oversight Agency, as defined in the SSL
  • Any other provider or licensing agencies required to conduct a database check with the Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR) as defined in the SSL

Make a Request

Only employees designated by a provider as an "Authorized Person" (AP) may submit a request.  The Justice Center is prohibited by law from releasing the names of the individuals on the list to the general public.



Keep On File

Providers that are required to check the SEL are also required to keep the results of the SEL check sent via email to the AP on file in their facilities.

Guidance & Resources

The Justice Center maintains a list of all SEL documents and forms that providers need, which includes guidance, training information, and other information specific to oversight agencies. These documents can be found below. 

All SEL Documents & Forms